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Frequently Asked Questions

What am I doing wrong?

Maybe nothing. Maybe everything. Watch the tutorials. Read the documentation. Shoot me an email.

Where do I find the sheet?

Login to become a site member. Once your name appears, you can navigate to Scorecard Download via the pull-down menu under your name.

When I submit my information on your website, why am I getting an authorization error?

Overzealous school security protocols can cause this.

Why am I getting the "Warning! This course is missing information and WILL NOT WORK properly" message?

The course you selected is missing some vital information which will cause the program to not function properly.

What if the course we're playing isn't in the drop-down menu?

The course needs to be added to the 'Kick Rocks Iowa Course Ratings' sheet. Follow the link in B30 to take you there.

How do I add email addresses to the pull down menu on the setup tab?

Add the email to the Kick Rocks Iowa Course Ratings sheet by following the link in cell B30 on the Setup tab.

Do I enter scores on the Scorecard tab or Player Scorecard tab?

The Player Scorecard tab is the best place to enter scores, but you can enter scores on either tab.

Does this sync with gobound?

Not at this time. You can use the Score Reporting tab to organize your data while you're inputting it into gobound.

Do I enter names on the Player Scorecard?

No, enter names on the Scorecard. They will be automatically transferred to the Player Scorecard once you finish the tee assignments.

How do I activate the leaderboard?

When scores are entered, the leaderboard populates automatically. You don't have to do anything special to activate it.

Why are my names not appearing in the pull down menu on the Scorecard tab?

This happens when teams have not input their rosters into gobound, or occasionally when internet traffic is high.

What do I need to do to make the scoring live?

You need to input the scores during play.

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