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Do I enter scores on the Scorecard tab or Player Scorecard tab?

The Player Scorecard tab is the best place to enter scores, but you can enter scores on either tab.

Do I enter scores on the Scorecard tab or Player Scorecard tab?

By design, you should enter scores on the Player Scorecard. Here, the players are organized by their tee assignment. This facilitates live score entry as one player can enter the scores for the group they are playing with.
Should you choose not to use live scoring, this is still the best place to enter scores as all of the players from each group will finish at the same time. You can gather the scores from that group and enter them as they finish.
As scores are entered on the Player Scorecard, they are automatically transferred to the Scorecard tab where the results will eventually be displayed.
The purpose of the scores on the Scorecard tab is for coaches to review the results entered into the Player Scorecard, and if necessary, override any mistakes that may have been made. Scores changed on the Scorecard WILL NOT transfer to the Player Scorecard. Scores from the Player Scorecard are copied to the Scorecard using a formula and if you type in the cells on the Scorecard, they will overwrite the formula that transfers the scores from the Player Scorecard.
It is best to only enter scores on the Scorecard tab if errors need to be corrected.

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