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Where do I find the sheet?

Login to become a site member. Once your name appears, you can navigate to Scorecard Download via the pull-down menu under your name.

Where do I find the sheet?

Site members will have a pull-down menu under their names. One of the options there is Scorecard Download. Navigating to this page will allow you to download a new sheet. The 2024 sheet is the current scoring spreadsheet. Underneath that is a spectator sheet.
The spectator sheet is a separate sheet that you can link to the leaderboard and results so that you can share that with spectators with no risk of them being able to accidentally make changes to the meet sheet itself.
You should download a new meet sheet for every event you host.
You COULD download only one spectator sheet and share that out to your gallery, parents, admin, etc. That spectator sheet can be reused for every meet you participate in whether you host or not. You need only update the link on the setup page with the url of the meet you are currently participating in.

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