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Why am I getting the "Warning! This course is missing information and WILL NOT WORK properly" message?

The course you selected is missing some vital information which will cause the program to not function properly.

Why am I getting the "Warning! This course is missing information and WILL NOT WORK properly" message?

In order for the sheet to work properly, the course information needs to be complete. Pars are needed for the leaderboard. Handicaps for each hole are needed to sort individual ties. Course ratings are needed for when scores are reported to the Iowa High School Golf Coaches' Association.
If the warning highlighted in yellow appears, some or all of this information is missing. To correct the problem, the course information needs to be updated.
To update the course information (which is imported from a separate sheet) you need to follow the link in cell B30 on the Setup page and update the information there.
Once you've opened the sheet with the link, click on the 'Add new courses here' tab. Find the course you need to update, and add the missing information. This only needs to be done once. After that, the course information will be available to all users.
If a course is missing information that is vital to the program, the course name will be highlighted yellow on the Iowa Course Ratings sheet.

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