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Player Scorecard

Input scores here


  • Input the scores on this page

  • Players are sorted by playing group


Input scores here during the meet. The players are sorted by their playing group. You can share the sheet with the players and have them enter their scores as they complete each hole for a true live scoring experience, or you can have coaches or volunteers enter scores here for a semi-live leaderboard. Alternatively, you can input scores here at the completion of the meet, but that would not be a live scoring experience.

Optional: If you go to Meet Options at the top of the page and select Toggle Unused Rows on Player Scorecard, it will hide all of the extra spaces at the bottom of the page that are not in use.

For the most convenient true live scoring experience, you can click on the share button and under General access, set the sheet to Anyone with the link and then select Editor from the pull-down menu. Then you can create a QR code for the players and they can take a picture of that when they arrive at the meet and they will be able to input their scores as they complete each hole.

If you are using live scoring, it is a good idea to have all of your players make sure they've installed google sheets on their phones prior to arriving at the meet.

Any mistakes made on this tab can be overwritten on the Scorecard tab by coaches if necessary.

During play, you can hide the Scorecard tab so that players don't accidentally input scores on the wrong tab.

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